Curriculum Statement

Curriculum Statement
The Curriculum at Abu Bakr Boys School is rigorous and challenging - and designed to ensure that:

• It supports pupils to achieve the best that they possibly can in all areas of school life- to produce exceptionally literate and numerate young men.

• It promotes pupils’ spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development

• It reflects the distinctive character, ethos, aims and values of the School

• There is a fervent belief that all students can make excellent progress regardless of their previous attainment or any additional learning needs.

• There is an explicit focus in all subject disciplines on developing students’ ability to read, talk and write the specific, academic language of that discipline, especially its key curriculum genres.

• The core knowledge students are expected to master in each subject is explicitly identified from years 7 to 11, forming a coherent whole that enables continual progression.

The Curriculum prepares students for further and higher education, and fulfilling employment beyond by:

o leading all of them to achieve a broad range of high quality qualifications;

o developing in all students the skills, habits and attitudes, to complement these academic achievements, that will set them apart in an increasingly competitive local, national and international environment.


In addition to supporting the aims, ethos and values of our school, our curriculum wholeheartedly supports the three key aims of the National Curriculum for all pupils; namely that all young people should be:

• Successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve

• Confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives

• Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society


Teaching & Learning day is split into two, morning Islamic classes and Academic classes which are organised into 4 teaching periods each day – each lesson lasting 50 minutes.

Students are grouped for ability and aptitude into two classes in all subjects and study a broad balance of subjects drawn from those specified by the National Curriculum plus subjects that specifically support the religious ethos of the school.

The composition of teaching groups is constantly monitored and adjusted where appropriate to ensure that all pupils are taught in the most suitable groups.

Curriculum Statement
The school prepares pupils exceptionally well for the experiences, opportunities, challenges and responsibilities of adult life.
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