

The teaching of mathematics at Abu Bakr Boys School is geared towards enabling each child to develop within their own capabilities; not only the mathematics skills and understanding required for later life, but an enthusiasm and fascination about maths itself. Mathematics is important in everyday life, many forms of employment, science and technology, the economy, the environment and development and public decision making. Today, the subject transcends cultural boundaries and its importance is universally recognised


  • We aim to increase pupil confidence in maths so that they can express themselves and their ideas clearly using the language of maths with confidence.
  • We want children to take pride in their mathematics knowledge and achievements.
  • We are continuously aiming to raise the standard of achievement in mathematics at Abu Bakr Boys School.
  • We aim to work in partnership with children, their parents and support services.
  • We want pupils to be passionate about mathematics and not to be afraid of mathematics.

Students in year 7 and 8 follow a 2 year scheme of work, allowing pupils to develop their mathematical skills through core topics, as well as engaging pupils with functional activities. Students are assessed after each topic as well as termly to ensure progress is made and interventions are put in place for required assistance. The two year scheme allows pupils to progress in a structured manner allowing them to develop all key areas of Mathematics.

At the end of the two year scheme pupils will have covered all topics which include

1 Number

2 Algebra

3 Ratio, proportion and rates of change

4 Geometry and measures

5 Probability

6 Statistics

Students in year 9, 10 and 11 follow Edexcel GCSE Mathematics curriculum, which is a linear scheme.  There is no coursework involved and there is only one formal assessment at the end of the course level 2 GCSE (9–1) in Mathematics

The assessments will cover the following content headings:

1 Number

2 Algebra

3 Ratio, proportion and rates of change

4 Geometry and measures

5 Probability

6 Statistics

The school prepares pupils exceptionally well for the experiences, opportunities, challenges and responsibilities of adult life.
GCSE Success
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